Triple Celebration in December 2011.

The first celebration was the result of the generosity of friends and neighbours in the district. In keeping with the Grand Master’s desire that Freemasonry should be a part of society, rather than apart from it, the Lodge presented a cheque for £1,300 to the Southern Area Hospice prior to its December Stated Communication. This represented the proceeds from a Vintage Threshing Day, Barbecue and Barn Dance held at the home of Worshipful Master W.Bro. Robert Copeland on 16th September.
Preseentation to the Southern Hospice in Newry.
The second celebration related to the first visit to the Lodge of a Grand Master. The Worshipful Master presented M.W.Bro. George Dunlop with a suitably engraved quaiche to mark the occasion.
However, the main business of the evening was to celebrate the 60th anniversary of W.Bro. Ernest Loughlin joining Freemasonry. The Brethren witnessed the presentation, by the Grand Master, of a 60 Year Bar, Certificate and inscribed Masonic Bible to W.Bro. Loughlin.